Welcome to The Kitchen.
Cooking, sharing meals, and hosting are some of my favorite things to do, outside of making ceramics. I spend endless hours in the kitchen dreaming up new concoctions from whatever we have on hand. It’s my secret super power. — I can make anything from leftovers, random vegetables, and most pantry items. Sometimes, the things I make are top-notch, NYT Cooking worthy, Remi-from-Ratatouille-flavor-symphony moments (IYKYK). Other times, they aren’t worth the second bite. The days I make something out-of-this-world delicious, they usually end up on my Instagram page so I can make you all celebrate with me in the accomplishment of a tasty meal.
Aside from me bragging about my self-proclaimed superpower, The Kitchen is a space to share some of my favorite meals and memories I’ve made with you, here. While I may not be able to personally host each and every one of you, this is a good place for me to start.
Now, these aren’t exactly “recipes”. Think of them as more of a guideline as you can add or take from. A source of inspiration, with freedom to use what you have, occasionally go get things you don’t, and just have fun in your kitchen. With friends and family, alone, or while you dance with your dog… Spend the time and make something that will give you a wonderful memory, and later on, tell me all about it.
Let’s eat.